

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Seyken: Crystal Kingdom

Developer: EpicBeyondStudios
Publisher:  EpicBeyondStudios
Official website:
Genre: Action RPG (calls itself JRPG)
Art style: Retro (16-bit)

Overall Fun Score: N/A
I am not going to score this game at this time.

I didn't give the game very much time - I could not stand the default (and unchangeable) control scheme. The game is still fairly new, and the help page claims developer intends to add native controller support which may clear up my problem with it.

As it is now, just remapping things using JoyToKey made trying to play the game worse instead of easier. It is a click-to-attack style interface. I particularly hate these, they wear out my mouse.

The game itself has several other issues that honestly should have been taken care of immediately - like being able to take loot from someone elses kills. In the first few minutes I also noted a higher level player had wiped out most of the newbie area monsters and left all the loot behind, and he also walked up and one shot killed the bee I was fighting. I was able to pick this up the abandoned loot and sell it to an NPC in town.

I think I would be very ticked off if I won a hard fight, and someone could just take the loot. I didn't note if I gained experience or not when he struck down the bee, and it didn't happen a second time for me to investigate that potential problem (he wasn't intentionally hassling me, he had accidentally clicked).

I didn't get far enough to see if the game contains any instanced area's. The potential loot/exp issues might turn out to be negligible if most areas are instanced.

I will be giving this game another shot farther down the road, and I will try to give the game a fair review even if the controls cannot be adjusted to my liking.

The gameplay, for what time I did play it, reminds me of Brain Lord. I loved that game. I can see myself really getting into Seyken: Crystal Kingdom with better/customizable controls.

If any readers have more experience with this game, feel free to comment and give it your own score of 1.0 to 5.0 with 1 being worse than the worst game you ever played before now, 5 being better than the best game you ever played before now.